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Develop Your Skills, Maximize Your Impact

Over 1,500 Free Online Learning Resources for Humanitarian Aid and Development Professionals

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Free resources for humanitarians responding to the crisis in Ukraine

Are you, your organization, or someone you know responding to the crisis in Ukraine? We now offer free, self-paced online training in UkrainianPolish, and Russian, to support individuals, teams, and communities in Ukraine and the surrounding region.

How It Works

We partner with NGOs, leading agencies, and experts in humanitarian aid and development to make the best online learning available to you anywhere, anytime, for FREE

Find the best learning

resources for you

It is easy to search our library of over 1,500 online courses, videos, and downloadable guides. Demonstrate your expertise with one of the many certifications available through DisasterReady.

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Reach your potential

Join a community of over 1.3 million

humanitarian and development professionals building their skills and discovering best practices from around the world. Ready to maximize your impact? Create your free account and start your first course today.

How It Works

Getting Started

It's easy as 1, 2, 3

Step 1

Create your free account.

Step 2

Choose a course.

Step 3

Start learning.

Join Our Learning Community

1.3 million+

Humanitarian and Development Professionals


Around the World


Languages: Arabic, English, French, and Spanish

Start Learning for Free Today

What Our Learners Have to Say

Reviews from the DisasterReady community

“DisasterReady is the best place where a humanitarian professional can learn standards and practices to improve his or her performance.”

Mahad B.

DisasterReady Learner

“DisasterReady has really expanded my knowledge and it’s through this learning I have received two promotions and chosen to train security staff, drivers, and my junior staff in the organization.”

Richard U.

DisasterReady Learner

“I was in need of an online platform with up-to-date, relevant courses. This is exactly that kind of platform—informative and useful to anyone working in international development.” 

João M.

DisasterReady Learner

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More than 1,500 Training Titles, 100% Free

Take courses anywhere, anytime, on any device


Online Learning Library

We’re always expanding our library of online learning resources.


Demonstrate your expertise by completing courses in DisasterReady and passing an assessment to achieve certification. 

Explore over 1,500 free online training resources curated and developed with experts from leading humanitarian and development organizations

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About Us is an online learning platform built to better prepare humanitarian and development professionals for the critical work they do by providing high-quality, relevant online learning resources at no cost. DisasterReady is available in English, Arabic, French and Spanish and is a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation—the charitable arm of Cornerstone.

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