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Let’s Work Together to Build Capacity Across the Aid and Development Sector

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Learning Content

Does your organization have online learning content that would be a great addition to the DisasterReady library?

Deliver Training to Your Employees

Do you need to manage and provide online training to your organization's employees or volunteers?

New Courses

Does your organization want to partner with us to develop new online learning courses, videos, or programs?

Investing in Syrian Humanitarian Action (ISHA)

In partnership with Mercy Corps, we have trained over 96,000 humanitarian professionals and volunteers in Syria and the region

The ISHA Online Learning Program provides free online learning in Arabic and English, specifically designed for the emerging workforce of humanitarians providing assistance in Syria and the surrounding countries.

If your organization is working in the middle east or partnering with NGOs in this region, our ISHA library could be a great resource for you. Contact us to learn more.

Our Partners and Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge the following organizations that have contributed time, money, technology, content, and expertise in support of DisasterReady

We want to be an organization that invests heavily in our own people, strengthening them, building their confidence, and creating new opportunities for them. This is what led us to DisasterReady which has absolutely transformed their learning capacities and our capacities as an organization.

Dr. Steven Muncy

Executive Director, CFSI, Philippines 

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