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Free Health Training and Courses

Create your free account to access courses on health topics created by leading organizations and agencies in the humanitarian and development sector

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Here are a few of our most popular courses on health


Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission in Humanitarian Emergencies (PMTCT)


PMTCT services can be disrupted during a humanitarian crisis. Learn causes of disruption, consequences that can occur, and strategies to ensure the continuation of PMTCT during an emergency situation.


Psychosocial Support

Save the Children

People can experience the same event in different ways and have different capacities to cope. Learn the core principles of intervention that can help individuals struggling to recover from the impact of a conflict or disaster.

Emergency Healthcare in Insecure Setting

Emergency Healthcare in Insecure Settings

Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation

Learn how to implement appropriate security risk management measures to enable public health emergency actors and healthcare workers to effectively address security challenges during a public health emergency response or outbreak.

More than 1,500 Training Titles, 100% Free

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Online Learning Library

We’re always expanding our library of online learning resources.


Demonstrate your expertise by completing courses in DisasterReady and passing an assessment to achieve certification. 

Explore over 1,500 free online training resources curated and developed with experts from leading humanitarian and development organizations

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About Us is an online learning platform built to better prepare humanitarian and development professionals for the critical work they do by providing high-quality, relevant online learning resources at no cost. DisasterReady is available in English, Arabic, French and Spanish and is a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation—the charitable arm of Cornerstone.

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