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Monitoring and Evaluation Practices

Learn the basics of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) that enable strong programming in humanitarian aid and development. This series of short online courses is provided by the Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance (META) Project.

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Online Courses • 2 Hours • English and Arabic • Free

What You Will Learn

This series of online courses was designed for refugee service provider staff and humanitarian workers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe logic models and their importance to monitoring and evaluation

  • Differentiate between monitoring and evaluation

  • Develop a logical framework (logframe) based on a strong theory of change to design effective programs

  • Choose appropriate data collection methods and when to use them

  • Explain how to prepare for meaningful data analysis and how to conduct data analysis and action planning as part of your regular team meetings

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Learner Review

"Best summary of M&E and project design I’ve managed to find anywhere. Engaging, informed, logical, and interactive. Would 100% recommend." 

Laura N.

 DisasterReady Learner

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About Us is an online learning platform built to better prepare humanitarian and development professionals for the critical work they do by providing high-quality, relevant online learning resources at no cost. DisasterReady is available in English, Arabic, French and Spanish and is a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation—the charitable arm of Cornerstone.

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